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What is NSIC ?

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National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) provides support and works for the growth of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) nationwide. NSIC works under the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises for the promotion of these enterprises. NSIC works with its wide network of branch offices and technical centres spread across the country. Its range of services includes financial assistance, core training and incubation. NSIC offers integrated support services under finance, technology, marketing and support services. The corporation also focuses on providing machinery on hire purchase basis and marketing in exports.

Benefits of Registration

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The units registered under Single Point Registration Scheme of NSIC are eligible to get the benefits under Public Procurement Policy for Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) Order 2012 as notified by the Government of India, Ministry of Micro Small & Medium Enterprises, New Delhi vide Gazette Notification dated 23.03.2012 and amendment vide order no. S.O. 5670(E) dated 9th November 2018.

Issue of the Tender Sets free of cost;
Exemption from payment of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD);
In tender participating MSEs quoting price within price band of L1+15 per cent shall also be allowed to supply a portion upto 25% of requirement by bringing down their price to L1 Price where L1 is non MSEs.
Every Central Ministries/Departments/PSUs shall set an annual goal of minimum 25 per cent of the total annual purchases of the products or services produced or rendered by MSEs. Out of annual requirement of 25% procurement from MSEs, 4% is earmarked for units owned by Schedule Caste /Schedule Tribes and 3% is earmarked for the units owned by Women entrepreneurs.
In addition to the above, 358 items are also reserved for exclusive purchase from SSI Sector (List is given below in download section).

All Micro & Small Enterprises having EM Part-II (Optional)/ Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) are eligible for registration with NSIC under its Single Point Registration Scheme (SPRS).
Micro & Small Enterprises who have already commenced their commercial production but not completed one year of existence. The Provisional Registration Certificate can be issued to such Micro & Small Enterprises under Single Point Registration scheme with monitory limit of Rs. 5.00 Lacs which shall be valid for the period of one year only from the date of issue after levying the registration fee and obtaining the requisite documents.

About Us

We are the India's largest online business services platform (PRIVATE CONSULTANCY SERVICE PROVIDER) dedicated to helping people easily start and grow their business, at an affordable cost. We were started in March 2018 with the mission of making it easier for Entrepreneurs to start their business.

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Contact details

Call Us - 9818799007, 9717468478

Delhi Address - Wolk, Perfect Solutions, LGF, Bakshi House, 40-41, Nehru Place, Delhi, (110019)

Chandigarh Address - SCO 32-33 & 34, 2nd 3rd & 4th Floor, and, near to DC Office, next to Axis Bank, 17C, Sector 17, Chandigarh, 160017

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